Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Hamper Hassles

Many college students these days have invested in some sort of laundry basket or hamper. Most everyone would prefer to have some other storage device besides the floor. I invested in a pink, pop-up, rolling hamper for storing my dirty laundry. However, I am now regretting the decision. This so called storage device takes up almost half of my tiny closet in Calvert. Also I can't even throw all of my clothes in there because the sides will lean and get in the way of my wooden sliding door. Now, this is not because I have an excessive amount of clothing. I also wash my clothes almost every week, so there is not a large accumulation. I believe the leaning is simply the cause of faulty design. The metal wire that spirals through the nylon fabric is just not strong enough. I am a little upset by this because if I spend twenty dollars on something, I expect it to work properly. While the wheels are nice, I don't really believe they are necessary. There is also a strap that is a fine accessory, but not needed. I feel as though this product was a bit of a rip-off. If I were to look for a laundry storage device again, I would simply get one of the hanging mesh bags. They save space and are easy to carry from the dorm room to the laundry room. I hope my insights on hampers are useful and remember, keep it clean!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Dryers: Not Just for Clothes Anymore!

Greetings one and all, I hope that you all had a fun Halloween and wore creative costumes. While we are speaking about the Halloween weekend, I would like to share a personal story from the night before Halloween. Well, technically it was already Halloween because this occurred at 2 in the morning. After a fun evening with some of my fellow hall-mates, I decided to retire to my room around 2:15 A.M. As I was trying to fall asleep in my warm and cozy bed; I heard a very loud noise. It sounded as if someone was rolling a trash can down the stairs and I didn't think that much of it. But then I realized that it had been several minutes and the rolling noise continued. The stairs don't go on for that long so this obviously eliminated my trash can theory. I decided to get up and investigate. I went into the hall and there was no one around. So I proceeded to look into the laundry room and realized that the bottom dryer was going and had 71 minutes left for this particular cycle. I knew the noise was coming from inside the dryer so I opened the door. Inside the dryer was a pair of tennis shoes! Someone had the brilliant idea to dry their loud, clunky shoes at 2 in the morning. I am not really sure why they needed the shoes dry at this particular hour. I just knew that I need to sleep. So I simply shut the dryer door and did not start the machine back up again. I felt bad because the owner of the shoes wouldn't have them dry on time, but I gained a night of quality sleep so I do not regret the decisions. So the moral of the story is do not dry your shoes in the middle of the night if you need them to be dry on time.